Google Calendar Contacts on iOS
24 May 2020
DESCRIPTION: Google calendar contacts is showing on all iOS devices. This is a brief explanation of how to remove it.
It took me a while to find the solution to this, so I’m writing a brief post about it to save time in future - when I will inevitably forget the solution.
The Google contacts calendar is showing up on all iOS devices. I find this infuriating when my contacts library is on iOS not Google. I am a little OCD and I like my devices to look the way I expect them to, in this case I don’t want to even see a calendar in the ‘calendars’ list on my devices that I don’t want there. I think the following solution is totally bonkers as this setting should naturally sit in, but Google in all their wisdom think this totally unlinked hidden page is the best UX design shrug 🤷♂️.
The original solution was found HERE. All you need to do is go, deselect the contacts calendar, and save.
Explainer images
Google calendar settings supposedly hidden:
iOS calendar with google contacts showing:
iOS calender without google contacts showing: