Rspec learning

  • rspec
  • spec
  • test
  • testing
  • rails
  • ruby
  • simplecov
  • coverage

12 July 2017

DESCRIPTION: Rspec is one of the preferred testing packages for ruby on rails. This is a blog-post for how to set it up, and testing basics to note.

Initial setup

When initially setting up the application, if you write the usual rails new your_app -T, the -T will install the rails framework without the usual Test unit.

In the Gemfile add:

group :development, :test do
  gem 'rspec-rails'

In the terminal run $ bundle

In the terminal run $ rails generate rspec:install

The basic testing structure for Rspec is now complete. The above command creates a .rspec file where we configure rspec, a spec directory, and a file spec_helper.rb and rails_helper.rb.

spec_helper.rb is for specs that don’t depend on rails. rails_helper.rb is for specs that do depend on it.

Before running any tests that require the database, ensure you have run rake db:migrate, and set up the test database rake db:test:prepare.

To run your rspec tests, in the termial run rake, or bundle exec rspec or rspec depending on your setup.

File structure

For a logical setup, you should replicate the file structure of your main rails application for the files you wish to test.

For example if you wish to test a User model, in the spec directory, you would have models/user.rb directory / file where all your User tests would be.

Basic Syntax

Rspec is well known for being easy to read.


describe sections are the basic building blocks to organise your tests into logical groups to test.

To set up to access a User model, we would write

describe User do


If we want to set up a more generic test, we can use a string instead

describe "some string" do


If is usually preferential to tighten the scope more for your describe block. This is done by referring to the methods within the class you are testing.

NOTE a # refers to an instance method, and a . to a class method. These have no technical implication, but they help to identify what is being tested in the terminal output then a test fails.

describe User, ".find_user" do


describe User, "#age" do


Reminder: a class method is a method that can be called directly from the class, an instance method we must first instantiate the class (create a new class). For example, if we have the following class:

class TestClass

  def self.class_method


  def instance_method



To access the class_method, we would write TestClass.class_method.

To access the instance_method, we would write

The main case we would use a class_method would be if we first had to identify a User for example before running an instance method. Such as:

class UserService

  def self.find_user(id)

  def age
    user = User.find(id)


To use this UserService, we would run

user = UserService.find_user(1)


Within the describe block we use another scope of it blocks. The string we provide to the it block works as the main documentation for our test.

So we our UserService class above, we would best with

describe User, ".find_user" do
  it "returns one user" do

describer User, "#age" do
  it "returns the users age" do

NOTE: Ensure the describe and it test is laid out properly, as this serves as the main documentation for understanding how the Application operates, and what we are testing.


This is the actual test, and should return true of false as the outcome of the test.

For our User test above, we would write

describe User, ".find_user" do
  it "returns one user" do
    user = User.find_user(1)
    expect(user.size).to eq "1"

I should note that expect has replaced should with the latest Rspec version (3).

Four phases of a Test

Best practice we compose our tests in four distinct phases:

  1. test setup
  2. test exercise
  3. test verification
  4. test teardown

These are mostly for readability to give out tests conventional structure.


We prepare the scenario under which the test is going to run, i.e. getting the data we want to test.

user = User.create(name: "Sam Younger")
job  = Job.create(title: "Web Developer")


This is where we run what we want to test.

name =


This is where we verify whether the test assertion is met or not, returning true or false.

expect(name).to eq "Sam Younger"


This is where we reset the database, so next time we test everything is clean.

This is mostly handled by Rspec itself

Code Coverage

If you want to continuously deploy your code from each push to GitHub, I won’t cover how to link this up, but what is important is that you have 100% code coverage of your tests. It is difficult to tell which code blocks you haven’t tested simply by running the tests.

I use SimpleCov to get code coverage information.

In the gemfile :test group, include gem simplecov, and run bundle

In the .rspec file include --require simplecov

In the spec_helper file in Rspec.config code block, include the line


When you run your tests with rspec etc. you will see at the bottom a report with the percentage of your code covered.

To see a more detailed report, in the console type:

$ open coverage/index.html

Here you will see a detailed report of all the different files in your application, and which lines of each file have been tested.


I used this blog-post series by Ed Wassermann as a prime source for this blog-post.

first-post second-post third-post